I won't Tell yet what is this New project about, but is a huge plataformer Metroidvania style resuming It, but i can send some concept art about that Said project
Anyway here is the main protagonist
An alien robot ? Rather a New species:
-Natural robotized Aliens, act like robots and humans, being some sort If hybrid, modifced aliens thanks for humans sending a robot to explore a certain planet, and got caught by some aliens, got modifced, and turned into these species.
The question is what came First, the ailen or the robot ? Like the egg and the chicken, It had some diferent results...
Anyway when more of them started to grow, more their tecnology growed and started to have advanced tecnology than humans in 2 human years, while their planet toke around 1 year (they sure are advanced)
Obviously that creature has weapons too
Multiweaponed, OP to humans, but average dificulty on their home planet
(A bit of his bio)
These creatures are Very expressive too, changing colors/colours, everytime they have a diferent feeling
Despite their simple aperance, don't understimate him, and his friends
(Speaking of them...)
Like Squargon they also have same Basic skills, however they have some diferences in skills, like example Squargon can wall jump, while others can't.
They also have some human features as well as i Said they are kind of hybrids, they need to eat, drink, moving in a inconsistent speed, and can handle water without short-circuit.
But also can breathe underwater, sturdier than any metal, can extend arms, detatch parts of their body, and have some floating Head
Bios of his friends as well
Why they have these white things on them ?
They are more like the things to reatatch/detatch parts of them
Well that is It for this New project, i Will Tell more in some progress of the project later.
I Hope you all enjoyed It, Sorry If it was boring or had grammar mistakes (english isn't my First language)
take Care everyone :)